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“Cracking The Rich Code” Volume 15 where 21 Top Thought Leaders Share Strategies for Living a Rich, Fulfilled Life is now available and I am a co-author of this international bestseller. My chapter is called: “BEING in the Flow of Life, get out of your mind into your life”.

The discounted cost to you is $22, including shipping if you are inside the USA, or $32 including shipping internationally.

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I’ve co-authored Volume 10 of the international bestseller: “Cracking The Rich Code” which tackles How to be Rich in any Area of your Life. My chapter is called: “The Richness of Being Yourself: Cracking the Rich Code via Living Your Human Design”

You can purchase the paperback by clicking the link below.

The discounted cost to you is $22, including shipping if you are inside the USA, or $32 including shipping internationally.

When you click the button you will be sent to PayPal, where you will enter the amount to pay.

Please remember to enter which book you wish to purchase, your shipping address and also your phone number into the notes field.